2011年11月30日 星期三
2011年11月26日 星期六
That I once heard say
Something that touched my heart
And it began this way
I was born by the river
In a little tent
And just like the river
I've been runnin ever since
He said its been a long time comin
But I know my change is gonna come
Oh yeah
He said its been too hard livin
But I'm afraid to die
I might not be if I knew
What was up there beyond the sky
Its been a long, a long time comin
But I know my change has got to come
Oh yeah
I went, I went to my brother
And I asked him, ""Brother
Could you help me, please?""
He said, ""Good sister
Id like to but I'm not able""
And when I, when I looked around
I was right back down
Down on my bended knees
Yes I was, oh
Thereve been times that I thought
I thought that I wouldn't last for long
But somehow right now I believe
That I'm able, I'm able to carry on
I tell you that its been along
And oh its been an uphill journey
All the way
But I know, I know, I know
I know my change is gonna come
Sometimes I had to cry all night long
Yes I did
Sometimes I had to give up right
For what I knew was wrong
Yes its been an uphill journey
Its sures been a long way comin
Yes it has
Its been real hard
Every step of the way
But I believe, I believe
This evenin my change is come
Yeah I tell you that
My change is come..
2011年11月25日 星期五
2011年11月23日 星期三
2011年11月21日 星期一
2011年11月20日 星期日
2011年11月17日 星期四
今天出門的時候,太陽很大,東湖卻下了雨。一大部份的天空有白色的雲、藍藍的天, 我搭上捷運,到西門町,店都還沒開。幸的角色很棒,沒有什麼刻意的笑料,整部片卻很可愛;故事也很棒,雖然輕了點、沒那麼沉重,卻也沒有常常出現的那種白癡快樂結局。餘韻很棒,雖然並沒有很一氣呵成的感覺。我坐著靜靜地等待片尾結束。
二1108 17:20 計程車司機
補充一點,上網查了一下,好像很多喜歡比附成越戰軍人的創傷後症候群,我覺得這種說法是鬼扯。第一幕應徵計程車司機,Travis說自己是honorable discharge很明顯就是爽爽;越戰退役軍人的設定也不是空穴來風,我想大概是導演有意地要和整個美國社會做連結:信仰暴力、膚淺而毫無深度、無處發洩的怨恨(這可能和個人存在主義式的處境有關),而其中最慘的就是保守的愛國主義。我猜這才是導演真正要講的東西。
五1111 14:00 奧邁耶的痴夢
四1117 10:20 浦田進行曲
四1117 14:00 雷霆同學音樂會
2011年11月9日 星期三
自述 趙汀陽