Close your eyesRest your head on my shoulder and sleepClose your eyesAnd I will close mineClose your eyesLet’s pretend that we’re both counting sheep Close your eyesThis is divineMusic playingSomething dreamy for dancingwhile we’re romancingIts love’s holidayAnd love will be our guideClose your eyes When you open them dear I’ll be nearBy your sideSo won’t you close your eyes?
I talk to the trees 我告訴那些樹 But they don't listen to me 但是他們不理我 I talk to the stars 我告訴那些星晨 But they never hear me 他們沒一個聽見 The breeze hasn't time 蜜蜂沒有時間 To stop and hear what I say 聽下腳步聽我說 I talk to them all in vain 一切徒勞無功 But suddenly my words 突然間我的話語 Reach someone else's ear 抓住某個人的耳朵 At someone else's heart strings too 到了那個人的心上 I tell you my dreams 我告訴妳我的夢 And while you're listening to me 而當妳頃聽時 I suddenly see them come true 我突然看到他們成真 I can see us some April night 我仍想起那些初夏的夜晚 Looking out across a rollin' farm 挑望整座起伏的農場 Having supper in the candlelight 在燈光下緩步而行 Walking later, arm in arm 手牽手 Then I'll tell you how I pass the day 我告訴妳我的一天 Thinking mainly how the night would be 想著今天晚上會如何 Then I'll try to find the words to say 然後我會試著去描述 All the things you mean to me 妳對我的意義 I tell you my dreams 我告訴妳我的夢 And while you're listening to me 當妳頃聽 I suddenly see them come true 突然我看見它們成真